The Case For Print

We’ve been hearing about it for decades; the paperless office, electronic books, and all information becoming digital. And, we have come a long ways since the early printing press. Why do we even need printing any longer? Two words: Physical Presence

The printed document exists beyond the display screen. It can be read during a power failure. It is tactile and enduring. It does not get switched off. And … if the document has perceived value to the reader, whether it’s a well written letter, a good novel or a store coupon, it may be saved for days, months, or years.

When working with clients who are launching a new web site, product, or marketing campaign, my recommendation is usually to include print media in the mix. The web, TV, and radio are media forms that can sometimes flood the recipient with incredibly rapid bursts of information … that can just as rapidly be forgotten. Print media is the one form of media that can be digested thoroughly by the viewer and at times and places of their own choosing.

Print still endures … and for very good reasons.

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